This article is a viewer's guide to the bans
& picks, where I try to explain the logic behind the champion and set a
general framework for how to ban. HotshotGG has famously said that 90% of the
game is won in champion select, as much of a team's play-style and teamfight
potential hinges upon the champions they get to play.
Several things I will need to say first to
lower your expectations. First, you won't be able to call out ban picks like a
caster just by reading this article, you need to scout the teams individually,
there is simply no way around that. Second, this is not an article that talks
about team comps(though I do touch upon the issue to illustrate ban picks), it
is an article that tries to show the intentions behind the pick and bans of a
team, and shows the general thought process of today's ban picks.
Currently working with different Blog sites, this is an insurance policy for me.